Meet the Artists Reception - Nov. 17
"Exploring Color, Shape, and Texture"
November 3 - December 15, 2024
Key Dates
· Show Dates: November 3 - December 15
· Registration open: September 15 - September 29
· Drop off: Monday, October 28, 9am-11am
· Reception: Sunday, November 17, 12pm-3pm
· Pick Up Unsold Artwork: Monday, Dec.16, 9:00am - 11:00am

Theme: "Exploring Color, Shape, and Texture"
MAA is pleased to be co-hosting, in conjunction with Bender Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Greater Washington Goldman Art Gallery in Rockville, a new exhibition and sale entitled Exploring Color, Shape, and Texture.
The gallery is the perfect venue to showcase MAA artists and their unique works of art which, with a wide range of styles and medium are sure to dazzle everyone who visits the exhibit.
Eligible Media:
- 2D artwork: Oil, acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, pastel, encaustic, drawing/ink mediums, hand-pulled prints, fused glass, textile-fiber arts, and photography. All 2D artwork must meet MAA framing requirements and wiring standards. See framing guidance FRAMING GUIDANCE.
- 3D art work: fused glass, mosaic, clay, wood and/or metal. Sculpture work will be displayed on pedestals or elevated spaces. (up to 6 total pieces).
Membership: You must be a Montgomery Art Association member in good standing to enter this show.
Number of Works and Sizes: Allowed: MAA members are invited to submit:
- Two Dimensional Artwork: 1 artwork entry per member. We will accept 8 works that are up to 48" (that could be a 24x48" or a 48x48") and 55 smaller works of various sizes not to exceed 32" on any side. The gallery will accommodate approximately 63 wall artworks in total. We cannot accept anymore 2-D artwork as registration for all 2-D artwork has reached capacity.
- Three Dimensional Artwork: 1 artwork in 3D sculpture category per member A total of six 3D sculptures will be accepted in this show. 3D work will be displayed on pedestals or larger sculpture can be shown as a floor piece. We have two remaining slots for 3-D artwork that can be displayed on a pedestal.
- Optional 2nd artwork in either 2D or 3D: Members may register a second work, which will be added to the show in order of registration if space is available. The show manager will notify members whose second work is accepted soon after registration closes.
Show Fee: $10 per member (nonrefundable).
Framing and Wiring: Please use this link Framing and Wiring for requirements for framing and wiring your art.
Show Prospectus: Please review the SHOW PROSPECTUS for all show requirements.
Volunteers Needed: Volunteers will be needed for a variety of tasks to support this show. While registering your artwork - please also check off one of the volunteer tasks for this show. We will need help with:
- Art Drop Off
- Exhibit Curation
- Reception
- Reception Photographer
- Art Pick Up
Thank you for Volunteering!
Note: All submissions will be reviewed to ensure submissions meet the JCC Bender Goldman Gallery's goal of presenting exemplary visual arts for diverse audiences.
About the Goldman Art Gallery: Focusing on meaningful, inclusive exhibits depicting experiences, identity, and culture. The Goldman Gallery is a warm and welcoming space. It Is housed in the Bender JCC building, which is home to dozens of classes and activities each week. Daily foot traffic is robust. Learn more.
Questions: Contact show manager Rona Siskind email: