Updates about the 2020 Kensington Paint The Town Show

19 May 2020 1:58 PM | Martina Sestakova

It is sad but true; there will not be a live, three-day MAA art exhibit in the Kensington Armory on Labor Day weekend this year. The town of Kensington has confirmed that the events will not take place due to the pandemic quarantine.

But MAA is getting so adept at putting on online exhibits that we are pressing ahead with six online events to make up for this!

We are keeping the name Paint The Town (PTT) but there are no restrictions about Kensington art this year. Each month from July - December we will conduct a judged online exhibit for a specific category. We will hold an online Zoom reception/award meeting with the judge (each show will have a different judge). We will also hold an online Zoom Artist's Salon during the exhibit to encourage artists to share background about their painting.

Here is the schedule (Reception / Salon dates may change):


June 12-19 Call for entries

July 1-31     Landscape exhibit online

July 5          Reception & Awards with Judge

July 19        Artist's Salon

Urban Landscape

July 12-19     Call for entries

August 1-31  Urban Landscape exhibit online

August 2        Reception & Awards with Judge

August 16      Artist's Salon

Plein Air

August 12-19     Call for entries

September 1-30 Plein Air exhibit online

September 6      Reception & Awards with Judge

September 20    Artist's Salon


September 12-19 Call for entries

October 1-31        Portrait exhibit online

October 4             Reception & Awards with Judge

October 18           Artist's Salon


October 12-19     Call for entries

November 1-30   Abstract exhibit online

November 1        Reception & Awards with Judge

November 15      Artist's Salon

Still Life

November 12-19 Call for entries

December 1-31   Still Life exhibit online

December 6        Reception & Awards with Judge

December 20      Artist's Salon

Registration for each online show will be $5 and will be limited to 1 entry per exhibit. MAA membership is required for participation, and renewals will be needed for the September and beyond online exhibit. As previously mentioned, MAA memberships will be reduced to half price ($25) for renewals prior completed prior to September 1.

Please contact Anastasia Walsh (maatreas@gmail.com) with any questions.

© 2024 Montgomery Art Association Inc., PO Box 2154, Kensington, MD 20891

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