Member Spotlight: Paola Luther

22 Apr 2019 6:26 PM | Deleted user

Lives in: Rockville, MD
Instagram: @lutherpaola

Media and subjects:  Oil paintings of landscapes, portraits and still lifes.

Projects you’re currently working on: I am currently working on a few landscape and pet portrait

commissions as well as painting flowers for upcoming shows.

Why you joined MAA:  To enjoy meeting local artists and participating in local shows.

Something fun about you: My other artistic passion is cooking and I went to culinary school. I am a personal chef to my three children and husband.

Artist Biography

Paola Luther’s delicate touch and sense of light and color infuses her broad range of art styles and mediums.  Paola has been painting since childhood. As an adult she became a professional artist in fine arts and continues to expanded her skills under the tutelage of artists from Washington DC, Los Angeles, Spain, Peru and Central America.  Paola has attended multiple workshops with talented artists around the world. Traveling is a large part of Paola’s artistic inspiration. She has produced colorful plein-air pieces, commissioned paintings and portraits.  Paola’s original works can be found in private collections in the United States and Europe.

© 2024 Montgomery Art Association Inc., PO Box 2154, Kensington, MD 20891